Three Little Pigs' Guide

This is an informal page containing information on how to use less electricity, as the more electricity used, the more carbon emissions and greenhouse gases gets released into the atmosphere thereby lowering a persons own carbon emission output.

  • Switching off lights, television and other electrical equipment when not in use.
  • Use bikes, public transports or walk when convenient.
  • Be friendly with nature and help plant more trees and other various greens.
  • Recycle cans, bottles, plastic bags and newspapers etc.
  • Use recycled items such as plastic bags.
  • Use less water by showering instead of bathing.
  • Use products that use less energy, products such as hybrid cars are made especially to save energy

These are links to websites that have more indepth ways for people to cut down on their carbon emissions:

These are just a few topics and ideas on how to lower peoples own carbon footprints. Talk with family and friends about climate change. Let them  know.

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